Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Open the eyes

"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciple of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:18-20

I apologize for my absence the last few months. There hasn't been much change in the daily routines of life here in Thailand. I am still teaching at the local school every wednesdays with a few other interns and still teaching english every week regularly. But what has changed is my time here.

I never thought it would be so hard for me to leave a country in which I have became very fond of, but as time is dwindling down reality is coming to pass. During this time I have been asking myself constantly, "What's the point?" What impact can I make within these short 2 months? It was safe to say that I was falling short of the glory of God and also forgetting that God is the Creator and above all things. At this point I practically was thinking I might as well go home now, there wouldn't be a difference. I was continually asking God "What am I doing here? Did I even do anything of worth here? What was it all for?" and continually feeling like God was not hearing my words, maybe He was busy with other people who have bigger problems than me.

Isaiah 59:1 says "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or his ear dull, that it cannot here; but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not here."

My problem wasn't God nor hearing me, it was me. I didn't realize that God answers all of His children's prayers, some through signs, some through scripture and some through silence. It was in this silence that I came to see what God was doing with me. I had a chance to travel yet again due to my visa expiring and having to leave the country to renew it. So I decided to go somewhere that I have always wanted to go. None other than the land down under, Australia. I had a friend that lived in Melbourne, since I didn't have to pay for any housing I decided to go for it, YOLO right? haha

First off, Melbourne is a beautiful place that just shines through the quietness of the fairly mild city life. Nothing like the hectic pollution filled Bangkok. (Don't get me wrong, I love the city it's just always so busy) God gave me a break and just in time. In that break I got a chance to breathe, a chance to hear my own thoughts and God's silence. God has shown me so much in my little break and then He continued as I headed over to Singapore for a Intentional Discipleship Conference with members of the thai church. This conference was like many others that I have been to in terms of programs and activities, but the content was something that has been fairly new to me since coming to Thailand. I learned how important one life is to another and how influential one life can be on an entirely new level.

If I could share how much I learned from this trip you could be reading for days on end so I won't do that you. However, moments like this is why I love to travel. I can see with my own two human eyes the majestic creations of The Almighty Creator. It really opens my eyes to what God has done not only in my home, but the home of all my brothers and sisters in Christ.

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